The seminar focused entirely on the freight bottlenecks in the North corridor (see map of the Northern Corridors below). The main  focus was attached to the bottlenecks and solution findings  in the cargo traffic, especially from the point of view of ports, terminals and transport infrastructure. The event was organized by two project partners – Turku University of Applied Sciences and Åbo Akademi University in Finland.

The seminar was initiated by three initializing presentations, that handled with transport corridor problems, bottlenecks  and development targets.  After each presentation, there were the opportunities to present  questions, arguments  and comment allegations actively to lecturers through VoxVote® online feedback system. All questions and answers were deposited to the system for later use.

After the initials, the seminar was resumed as a group work where the participants were divided into two groups to reflect on freight transport problems and bottlenecks, as well as their solutions and future trends in freight transport. The initials serve as a conduit for the actual work.

The work of the working groups resulted in a build-up of existing problems and solutions.

In working groups, in particular from the freight transport and port handling perspective,those are the flow of information between the various actors, the automation of information and the transparency and lack of information between the various actors, the content of the package and security in the future; What can be loaded on the same ship, better predictability of schedules, poor compatibility of rail and truck traffic, poor logistical location of terminals.

The proposals for solutions were presented in a more advanced combination of transport, better transport cooperation;  different pricing policy, technical solutions in ports and terminals. The establishment and development of resting areas, the real-time stabling of transport, the splitting of transport and the increase in freight frequency on the smallest vessels.


Rahtiliikenteen pullonkaulat (Jukka Laine, Schenker Oy) (.pdf, in Finnish)

Kuljetusten tehostaminen (Tero Siitonen, SKAL ry, Länsi-Suomi) (.pdf, in Finnish)

Satamapalvelujen tehostaminen (Markku Mäkipere, Stevena Oy) (.pdf, in Finnish)