The planning and implementation of well-functioning traffic/transport systems is a complex and multilayered process covering many measures and elimination of transport hindrances and bottlenecks. It affects many actors and sectors (users, planners, authorities and administrations) of the society on all levels. Thus, the process needs to involve and encourage all stakeholders, to a greater extent, to develop more open and transparent communication, better cooperation and a stronger commitment to establish a coordinated, long-term vision and holistic approach to transport system planning.

Reference: Identification of bottlenecks and inefficiencies in transport flows in Baltic Loop East-West corridors with emphasis on maritime logistics, Authors: Irina Wahlström & Yiran Chen, Åbo Akademi University, Published: September, 2020 © Baltic Loop

The end of the project is fast approaching and despite the difficult conditions in the world, the project implementation activities continue.