With the increase in cargo volume nowadays, the demand for physical infrastructure might increase. However, the overall efficiency could also be improved by employing digital infrastructure and communication methods during cargo transportation. The main idea is to achieve the maximum utilization rate of the available infrastructure, technology, and other kinds of resources. Together with a collaborative environment, it will be possible to reduce transport emissions in our corridors and result in efficient transportation.

Welcome to Baltic Loop Newsletter #3!


This time it is a must-read because the results of the questionnaire for stakeholders related to freight and passenger transport are summarized and you are welcome to introduce yourself with the main findings. These are very important conclusions that will help to achieve the goals of the project more efficiently, as the situation has been evaluated by the industry.

The thematic questionnaire was conducted to meet the following objectives:

  • evaluating transportation services and operations on selected corridors;
  • identifying main hindrances and drivers for smooth transport flows;
  • highlighting areas where improvements for more efficient traffic are needed.

If you would like to see the full version of the survey report, don`t hesitate to contact us!

Despite the challenging time, the work continues!